Greetings from the Author:

Welcome to "Cripple Extraordinaire," which contains a record of my thoughts and experiences of trying to live an extraordinary life while enduring chronic pain and chronic illness.

I'm a young adult woman somewhere in her twenties who doesn't bother to keep better track of her age, loves linguistics, knitting, high fantasy books, sci-fi television, and music from the 60s and 70s. I am disabled as a result of an unspecified connective tissue disorder, arthritis, chronic myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, and a supporting cast of lesser diagnoses, which altogether cause pain in some way at almost every moment of every day.

My maxim is a quote attributed to Helen Keller: "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."

21 April 2011


Whatever I did to incur the wrath of the automobile deity, I'm SORRY already.

We just got it back in March after it had been dead for 15 months because of transmission problems (since having a car that is fused in second gear isn't really useable). Today I was driving to meet a friend because we have theatre tickets for tonight and, rattle-rattle, sputter-sputter, my car died at a red light.  So not fun.

A couple of guys from JiffyLube and another guy walking by pushed my car into the KFC lot. I'm grateful for them, because otherwise I would have been stuck there, in the middle of the road, waiting for AAA. It's now sitting, waiting for my husband to come see what he can do about it. My friend is loading her kids in the car to come pick me up.

I find this so frustrating and so upsetting. I just got my car back less than two months ago. My car is a financial black hole. It must be cursed or jinxed or hexed or whatever it is that deities of automobiles do when they're angry.

1 comment:

Headstrong said...

Yech. So sorry this happened! Hope you still get to enjoy the theater - and that your car woes are quickly fixed! Best to you (and the car!),